The ceremony of awarding certificates to the winners of competitions for the right to receive grants from the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists was held in Rostov-on-Don on April 11. Among the awardees are two Novocherkassk polytechnics. In total, thirty representatives of thirteen organizations of the Southern Federal District were honored on this day.
In the competition of scientific schools, in the section "Social and humanitarian sciences", the winner was the project of Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Konstantin Viktorovich Vodenko "Academic leadership in the space of development of transprofessional identity and the formation of a new economy market in the conditions of digitalization and regionalization of higher education". It is worth noting that the scientific school "Management of social processes in a multicultural region", the core of which consists of 12 people, is receiving federal support for the second time. The school, headed by Professor Vodenko, unites representatives of the humanitarian and social block of the YURSPU (NPI) - these are leading scientists, doctors and candidates of sciences and, of course, young post-graduate scientists. "If at the first stage the research topic was devoted to the development of education and the innovative potential of young people, then at the current stage we are moving on and studying academic leadership: at the personal, group levels," Konstantin Viktorovich said. - It is assumed that regional features of the development of higher education in the context of the formation of academic leadership in the region will also be studied."
Konstantin Yevgenyevich Shepelenko, senior researcher at the Research Institute "Nanotechnology and New Materials", with the project "Metal complex and photocatalysis as a highly effective tool for deep processing of plant raw materials within the framework of the concept of a closed carbon cycle" received federal support as a young candidate of sciences.
- The project involves the development of new methods for the functionalization of compounds obtained from plant biomass, - the grantee explained. - Our region is agrarian, there is a lot of waste from processing plant raw materials. There are a number of chemical compounds that are easily obtained from these wastes - biological substances, monomers, and so on. We are going to use metal-complex catalysis and photocatalysis for this.
The grant support is designed for two years. During this time, K.E. Shepelenko plans to publish a number of scientific articles. Thus, a fundamental basis is being laid, on the basis of which our scientists will be able to create new technologies in the future.
Vladimir Nikolaevich Gurba, Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District, addressed the young scientists with a welcoming speech, noting that the President of Russia pays special attention to the development of science, considers it important that young scientists reveal their talents in scientific search so that they can contribute to the development of the country with their research. The grant of the President of the Russian Federation, according to V.N. Gurba, is a very powerful tool to support scientists in the implementation of their scientific plans and searches.
The rector of YURGPU (NPI) Yu.I. Razorenov addressed the culprits of the celebration. "We see young scientists in this hall, but they already have students and followers who have laid serious scientific foundations for the successful continuation of their activities," said Yuri Ivanovich. - Some of them run entire scientific schools! This means that you are the future of our country, the future of our Don Region."