The political council of the local branch of the United Russia party visited the YURGPU (NPI) on December 28. The purpose of the visit is to get acquainted with the current state of the first university in the South of Russia and its increasing research, educational, and infrastructural capabilities. The rector of YURGPU (NPI) Yu.I. Razorenov conducted a tour of the university campus for the guests.
It is especially pleasant to visit our university on New Year's Eve - it feels like you are in a winter fairy tale: a beautiful Christmas tree in the legendary Covered courtyard shines with lights, beautifully illuminated decorative figures adorn the campus. Cleanliness, order, peace, expectation of miracles…
Our guests plunged into such an atmosphere when they arrived at the university. However, the business mood quickly took over - after all, they had so much to see and hear in a short time!
In the main building, members of the political council were waiting in auditorium No. 149, where the main, and sometimes fateful, meetings for the university take place. The guests were very interested in visiting the Research Institute of the History of the Cossacks and the development of the Cossack regions, not many of them had such an opportunity before, but now they have come to the conclusion that the activities of this research institute are important and extremely relevant.
In the robotics building, at the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Technological Machines and Equipment of the Faculty of Mechanics, the head of this department, V.G. Tamadaev, was waiting for the guests to visit. Vyacheslav Garanovich spoke about the successes of the oldest university faculty, including the development and strengthening of the traditions of the wonderful school of powder metallurgy at his department. Tamadaev noted that the work in the direction of "Powder and composite materials in mechanical engineering" is actively continuing, production facilities are being reconstructed, new equipment for research is being purchased, and also showed a poster exhibition opened the day before dedicated to one of the creators of the scientific foundations of powder metallurgy in our country - Yu.G. Dorofeev.
The rector of YURGPU (NPI) Yu.I. Razorenov, in turn, told the guests that the scientific direction related to composite materials is developing rapidly at the university. The developments of our scientists are used in the production of high-tech products in various fields, including in the framework of import substitution and diversification.
At the Research Institute "Nanotechnology and New materials" the guests were met by the director of the Research Institute R.E. Yakovenko. Here visitors heard the most interesting stories about the newest - sometimes unique! - the developments of our chemical scientists, we saw the latest laboratories and modern equipment that they have been equipped with recently. The members of the political council were able to make sure that comfortable conditions were created for the creative work of scientists and the training of students.
The Faculty of Energy also managed to surprise the guests: a representative view of the restored and equipped First Mathematical Auditorium, modern capabilities of the Department of "Electric Stations and Electric Power Systems", the work of several new faculty laboratories.
Visitors were also invited to the newly opened doors of the new building of the Scientific and Technical Library of the YURSPU (NPI), where its director S.A. Veksel told about the mission of the modern university library. This "kingdom of books", following the requirements of the time, ceased to function only as a book depository. The work of our librarians has become noticeably broader and requires new competencies from them. These wonderful people are now guarding the publication activity of Novocherkassk polytechnics, collecting and systematizing scientific information and contributing in every possible way to the works of our scientists.
The informative walk ended in the Concert Hall of the YURSPU (NPI), which for a short time of its existence has already managed to gain a reputation as the largest and most comfortable venue for public and concert city events.
At the end of the tour of the university campus, there was not a single indifferent person among the guests, and for many, visiting our university was truly a journey through the Land of Scientific and Educational Wonders.