The chemists of YURGPU (NPI) can be congratulated on their publication in a highly rated international journal. The article by the staff of the Research Institute "Nanotechnologies and New Materials" R.E. Yakovenko, A.P. Savostyanov, G.B. Narochny, V.N. Soromotin, I.N. Zubkov, O.P. Papety, R.D. Svetogorov, S.A. Mitchenko - accepted for publication in the international journal included in the first quartile (Q1).
Journal of the English Royal Chemical Society - "Catalysis Science & Technology" - has an impact factor of 5.72. It publishes the most significant articles on the latest achievements and discoveries in the field of catalysis, which are a significant step forward compared to previously published works. The article by the staff of our Research Institute "Preliminary evaluation of a commercially viable Co-based hybrid catalyst system in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis combined with hydroprocessing" (Preliminary evaluation of a commercial cobalt-based hybrid catalyst in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis combined with hydroprocessing) is devoted to the development of a new hybrid catalyst for producing high-quality motor fuels from synthesis gas. The authors have convincingly shown that the catalyst they created has greater performance and selectivity for motor fuels than the previously created industrial catalyst from Chevron.
To obtain world-class scientific results, a modern complex of laboratory equipment available at the university was used: unique laboratory catalytic installations, a chromato-mass spectrometer, modern devices for studying the physico-chemical properties of catalysts (ChemiSorb 2750, an energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer ARL QUANT'X and a recently acquired synchronous thermal analysis device combined with a mass spectrometer). The team of authors includes two graduate students of the second year of study (I.N. Zubkov, V.N. Soromotin) and the Master of the 2020 year of graduation from the Faculty of Technology O.P. Papeta.
We congratulate our chemists on this success!