The next scientific seminar was held recently at the Research Institute "Nanotechnologies and New Materials" of YURSPU (NPI), in the Laboratory of processing carbon-containing materials. Such seminars have long been the "working days" of our chemical scientists. So this time, the event gathered a lot of interested participants from among students, undergraduates and postgraduates of the Faculty of Technology, who presented their reports to the court of experienced colleagues. The seminar was conducted by the director of the Research Institute Alexander Petrovich Savostyanov.
The topic of the seminar - "Catalyst technology for the selective synthesis of liquid hydrocarbons from CO and H2" - was not chosen by chance. Recently, the increased demand for liquid motor fuel is due to the global growth of its consumption and the depletion of oil reserves – the main raw material for its production. In this regard, researchers are increasingly interested in alternative carbon–containing sources for producing high-quality motor fuels, such as biomass, coal, coal mine methane and various types of gases - from natural to shale.
During the seminar, the participants were able to learn a lot of important and useful information about the features of the development of technology for producing synthetic fuels and the advantages associated with the use of cheap and environmentally friendly fuels.
Both students of the Faculty of Technology and employees of the Research Institute participated in the scientific discussion at the seminar. The report of the third-year student Dobrynya Belashov was devoted to pre-forming catalysts and their properties.
- My work was based on the idea of processing petroleum gas into liquid fuel, - said Dobrynya. – The pre–forming stage is an important part of this process, it allows you to convert liquid hydrocarbons into methane. In turn, methane can be used to produce the gas underlying new fuels.
Alexey Saliev, a junior researcher at the Research Institute, presented a report on ways to obtain new types of fuels from natural gas.
- Such developments are an excellent alternative to the classic motor fuel, produced mainly from oil, – Alexey is sure. – In my report, I used the materials of my future dissertation, which helped to present it as informative as possible.