Laboratory high—pressure catalytic plant: new opportunities — new discoveries

Laboratory high—pressure catalytic plant: new opportunities — new discoveries

Research Institute "NTNM" together with NPP "Intor" LLC have developed a laboratory high-pressure catalytic plant. The laboratory high-pressure catalytic unit (PCU-3) is designed for testing heterogeneous catalysts, studying the kinetics of chemical reactions at high pressure (up to 20 MPa). The installation allows you to study the processes of hydrocracking, hydroisomerization, oxosynthesis, methanol synthesis, ammonia synthesis and other processes occurring at high pressure.

Domestic laboratory high-pressure catalytic plants are an important tool for research in the field of catalysis and reaction kinetics. They will allow scientists and engineers to conduct more precise and controlled experiments, helping to develop new materials and processes in the chemical industry.

The development of laboratory catalytic plants for conducting research on heterogeneous processes is a complex process that requires timely analyses and communication between all project participants. Employees of the Research Institute "NTNM" and NPP "Intor" LLC are available for cooperation from the moment of development of the general concept of the installation, which defines its main components, interfaces, interaction scheme, as well as sketches and drawings of the installation are developed, as well as calculations and analysis of functionality are carried out, until the installation is put into operation and subsequent maintenance.

You can contact us in any convenient way, our staff can help you prepare all the necessary documentation and answer all your questions.
