IX All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of students and Young Scientists «Chemistry: achievements and prospects»

IX All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of students and Young Scientists «Chemistry: achievements and prospects»

On May 23-25, 2024, Rostov-on-Don hosted the IX All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Chemistry: Achievements and Prospects", organized by the Southern Federal University.

The conference received about 180 reports in 7 sections of the conference.

The conference was attended by representatives of the Research Institute "Nanotechnology and New Materials": Kataria Yash Vijay and Bozhenko Ekaterina Alexandrovna.

On the topic of the conference, which covered, among other things, current problems in the field of chemistry of new materials, Kataria Yash Vijay, a technician at the Nanotechnology and New Materials Research Institute, presented the results of his research carried out within the framework of the RNF project No. 23-23-00466 "Production of polyalphaolefin oils from CO and H2". In his report, Yash Vijay proposed an alternative method for obtaining base oils by using alternative catalytic systems to produce products that are not inferior in their performance characteristics to oils synthesized on the basis of traditional, not sufficiently environmentally friendly, catalysts.

The report of Y.V. Kataria on the topic "Oligomerization of decene-1 to polyalphaolefin oils by a radical mechanism" was awarded with a Diploma of the first degree in the competition of oral reports of students of the IX All-Russian scientific and practical Conference of students and young Scientists "Chemistry: achievements and prospects".

The presentation of graduate student Bozhenko E.A. in the section "Electrochemical systems and catalysts" was devoted to the use of block catalysts made by three-dimensional printing in the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Such structures with high thermal conductivity can provide a more efficient heat sink, increase the reaction rate and yield of the target products.

The report "Application of additive technologies for the manufacture of block catalytic frameworks for Fischer Tropsch synthesis" was awarded a Diploma of the first degree.

We wish you to enjoy the process of scientific creativity, rejoice at every step on the way to achieving your goal and, of course, new successes!
