The staff of the Research Institute "Nanotechnology and New Materials" of YURSPU (NPI) told about their developments at the XX International Scientific and practical Conference "New polymer composite materials. Mikitaev readings". The event was held from July 4 to 10 at Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov.

The conference brought together more than 500 specialists and scientists from various scientific, scientific and educational organizations and industrial enterprises. The topics of the reports presented at the conference cover a wide range of issues: from the development of new theoretical concepts of the structure of polymer materials to the prospects and features of the use of polymers and composites in various fields of engineering and industry.

Novocherkassk Polytechnics presented the results of their research in the section "Synthesis and modification of polymers". Viktor Alexandrovich Klushin made a presentation on the topic "Renewable furan monomers and polymers". Dmitry Sergeevich Petrenko told the conference participants about binders based on renewable plant raw materials for the production of new composite materials, and Alina Alekseevna Petrenko – about new adhesives with special strength characteristics based on renewable raw materials. The reports of Katariy Yash Vijay and Ivan Nikolaevich Zubkov are devoted to new ion-exchange fluorinated polymer materials and the development of methods for obtaining basic poly-α-olefin oils by oligomerization of olefin fractions synthesized by the Fischer-Tropsch method. The presentations of our chemists aroused great interest from the conference participants.

- When I arrived at the conference venue, I was immediately struck by the scale of the event – a huge number of participants from different regions and organizations, a rich program with parallel sections, stands with innovative developments. This immersed me in a dynamic and developing scientific environment," commented Associate Professor of the Department of Chemical Technologies and a junior researcher at the NTNM Research Institute Ivan Nikolaevich Zubkov. - The interdisciplinary nature of the event should be emphasized. The conference featured presentations not only of narrow specialization, but also of related fields. This allowed us to broaden our horizons, see how similar problems are solved in other sciences, and find opportunities for cross-sectoral interaction.

The second polymer school of young scientists was held within the framework of the conference, which was also attended by representatives of the NPI – Natalia Petrovna Kotenko, Viktor Alexandrovich Klushin, Dimitri Sergeevich Petrenko, Alina Alekseevna Petrenko and Kataria Yash Vijay. Our chemists attended open lectures and master classes from leading Russian specialists, where topics such as additive polymer technologies, fibrous composite materials, energy production from recycled polymer raw materials, and modern superpolymers were discussed.

- In general, participation in this event has become an important stage of professional development for me. It allowed me not only to present the results of my work, but also to receive valuable recommendations, establish new contacts and recharge my batteries for further scientific achievements," said Ivan Nikolaevich Zubkov.

Following the results of the conference, a Russian-language collection of articles will be published in the journal Izvestiya Kabardino-Balkarian State University (RSCI, VAK).

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